Garage Gym Makeover: 10 Space-Saving Tips for a 2-Car Garage

Exercising at home has become very popular nowadays. Many people are converting their garage into a gym. This is a great idea. By building a gym in the garage, you can save money. You will not need to go to the gym. There are many benefits of building a gym in the garage. You can exercise at any time. You can avoid the heat or cold outside. You can play your favorite music. You can exercise with your family. With a garage gym, you will be healthy and happy.

But there may be less space in the garage. So, we will give you some tips. With these tips, you can make a good gym in your garage. You can keep the car and also exercise.

Garage Gym Makeover: 10 Space-Saving Tips for a 2-Car Garage

Use wall-mounted storage

Make good use of the walls. Put shelves on the walls. You can keep small items on these shelves. Like dumbbells, ropes, or bands. You can also put hooks. You can hang big things on them. Like bicycles or bags.

Pegboard is also a good option. It is a big board with small holes. Hooks can be put in these holes. You can hang many things on it. Like ropes, bands, or small weights. You can store your stuff well with pegboard.

You can save a lot of space with wall-mounted storage. The floor will remain empty. You can move around easily. You will get more space to exercise. Remember, wall mounted equipment should be sturdy. Place it properly so that it does not fall.

Choose foldable and small gym equipment

Be careful while choosing gym equipment. Choose equipment that can be folded or small. Like a foldable bench or TRX straps. These take up less space. You can fold them and keep them aside when not in use.

A foldable bench is very useful. You can do many types of exercises on it. Like chest press, shoulder press, or bicep curl. When you are done with work, you can fold it and keep it against the wall. This saves a lot of space.

TRX straps are also a good option. These are long straps that you can hang anywhere. With these you can exercise your whole body. When you are done with work, you can fold them and keep them aside. They take up very little space.

With these items you can save space and also get a good exercise. Remember, use every item properly. When not in use, keep them in the right place. This will keep your garage clean and organized.

Create different places for different tasks

Divide the garage into several parts. Each part should have different tasks. For example, one place should be for cardio. Another place should be for weight lifting. The third place should be for stretching. This will keep everything organized. You will be able to go from one place to another easily.

Choose a corner for cardio. You can keep a treadmill or bicycle there. It would be good if there is a window near this place. Fresh air will come in. You will be able to exercise while watching the view outside.

Create another part for weight lifting. Keep a bench and weights here. Make sure that there is enough space here. So that you can lift weights comfortably. You can put a mirror on the wall near this place. You will be able to see your posture.

Creating different spaces will make your exercise better. You will be able to move easily from one exercise to another. Everything will be in its place. You will not have to search for it. This way you can make full use of the garage.

Use the roof and install pulleys

Use the roof as well. You can install racks on the roof. Keep things on them that are used less frequently. Like old weights or extra mats. Roof racks should be strong. So that they can handle heavy items.

You can also install pulleys on the roof. A pulley is a machine with which you can easily lift heavy items up. With a pulley you can lift heavy items up. Like a bicycle or a rowing machine. When these items are not down, lift them up. This will free up space below.

Check the strength of the roof before installing pulleys. If you are not sure, take help from a mechanic. Install the pulley in a place where you can reach it easily. Put a warning sign below the pulley so that no one stands there by mistake.

You can save a lot of space by using the roof. There will be more space on the floor to exercise. But keep in mind, the things kept on the roof should be tied properly. So that they do not fall down.

Install mirrors

It is good to put mirrors in the garage. The room looks bigger with the mirror. You can also see your exercise. You can see whether you are doing it correctly or not. Mirrors also make your gym beautiful.

Choose an empty wall to put mirrors. You can put a mirror on the entire wall. Or in some part. It will be good if you put a big mirror. This will allow you to see your whole body. If you cannot put a mirror on the entire wall, then you can put many small mirrors.

Make sure that the mirror is strong. It should not break while exercising. Use tempered glass for safety. This glass is strong. Even if it breaks, it breaks into small round pieces, which reduces the risk of injury.

Your garage gym will look good with the mirror. You will be able to exercise better. You will be able to correct your mistakes. And you will also feel like exercising.

Use small and stackable weights

Be careful while choosing weights. Small and stackable weights are good. They take up less space. Instead of separate weights, take adjustable dumbbells. The weight in these can be changed. The work of many weights can be done with a single dumbbell.

Adjustable dumbbells are very beneficial. You can increase or decrease the weight in these. For example, a dumbbell can be from 5 kg to 25 kg. This saves you from having to keep dumbbells of different weights. Space is saved and money is also saved.

Kettlebells are also good. These are small and can do many types of exercises. With kettlebells, you can exercise your whole body. These take up less space and can be stored easily. You can do many types of exercises with kettlebells of two-three different weights.

With small and stackable weights, you can save space. Your gym will look organized. And you will also be able to exercise well.

Install rubber flooring or mats

Add rubber flooring or mats to the garage floor. This has many benefits. There will be less stress on your joints. There will be less noise. The floor will also not get damaged. Rubber flooring will make your gym safe and comfortable.

You can install rubber flooring in the entire garage. This will make the entire garage look like a gym. Rubber flooring is strong. You can keep heavy weights on it. Even if something falls, the floor will not get damaged.

If you cannot install it in the entire garage, then you can keep mats where you exercise. Buy mats that can be easily joined. Like a puzzle. Spread them when needed. Pick them up when the work is over. This will make it easier to keep the vehicle.

Rubber floors will make your gym safe and comfortable. You will be able to exercise without fear. Your neighbors will also not complain about the noise.

Use a folding or sliding bench

Bench is an essential gym equipment. But it also takes up a lot of space. So, buy a folding or sliding bench. When not in use, you can fold it and keep it. Or you can keep it standing against the wall.

A folding bench is very useful. You can do many types of exercises on it. Such as chest press, shoulder press, or bicep curl. When the exercise is over, you can fold it and keep it in a corner. This will free up space in the middle.

Some benches are such that they can be easily moved here and there. They have wheels attached to them. You can take them wherever you want. You can keep them in a corner after the exercise is over.

small gym equipment

Make good use of corners and small spaces

The garage has many corners and small spaces. Make good use of them. Do not let these spaces go waste. You can keep many things even in small spaces.

You can put racks in the corner. You can keep dumbbells or kettlebells on them. Corner racks are triangular in shape. They make good use of space. You can keep many things on them.

You can keep a yoga mat in a small space. Roll up the mat and keep it. Take it out when needed. This will save space and the mat will also remain safe.

You can put hooks behind the door. You can hang towels or clothes on them. The space behind the door often goes waste. Make good use of it.

You can save as much space as possible by using corners and small spaces. Use every little space. This will make your garage gym look organized and beautiful.

Take care of air and light

Good air and light are necessary. This will enable you to exercise well. Open the windows in the garage. So that fresh air comes in. If there are no windows, then get them made. Fresh air will give you coolness and you will be able to breathe well.

You can install a fan. This will circulate the air well. The heat will be reduced. A ceiling fan is good. It does not take up much space and circulates air throughout the room. If you cannot install a ceiling fan, then a stand fan will also work.

You can install an air cooler in the summer season. It will keep the room cool. But keep in mind that the air cooler should not increase the humidity in the room. Your gym equipment may get rusted due to humidity.

Install LED lights for good lighting. These consume less electricity. They give more light. LED lights last for a long time. Your electricity bill will be less because of these.

Converting a garage into a gym is a great idea. It allows you to exercise at home. But space may be a constraint. These tips can help you solve your space problem. Enjoy exercising in your garage gym. You will be able to exercise well at home. You will save time and money. And you will stay healthy and fit.


Yes, you can convert your garage into a complete gym. But keep in mind that you may also need to store a vehicle. You can keep some part of the garage for gym and some part for car. Make a good plan so that both the works can be done.

Rubber flooring is best for garage gym. It is strong and reduces noise. Exercising on it is comfortable. There is no fear of slipping on rubber floor. And even if something falls, the floor does not get damaged.

This depends on the rules of your city. In many places, permission is not required to make changes inside the house. But if you are doing major changes, like electrical work or breaking a wall, then you may have to take permission. Ask your local authorities.

You can bring fresh air by opening the windows in the garage. You can install a fan which will circulate the air. You can install an exhaust fan which will take out the hot air. If there is no window in the garage, you can get one made. You can also get a ventilation system installed for good air.

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